Umphrey's McGee: February 15, 2009 – The Barrymore Theatre, Madison, WI, USA

Set 1: Resolution[1] > Great American[1], Rocker[2], Der Bluten Kat[1] > Passing[1] > Der Bluten Kat[3], Visions[1], Wish You Were Here[1]

Set 2: Bridgeless > Prophecy Now[4] > Bridgeless, FF[5] > Cemetery Walk > Cemetery Walk II, Ocean Billy, JaJunk-> Hold on Loosely[6] > JaJunk[7]

Encore: Honey Bunch[8], A Fifth of Beethoven

[1] with Jake and Brendan on acoustic guitars
[2] with Brendan on acoustic guitar
[3] with Believe the Lie jam and Jake and Brendan on acoustic guitars
[4] debut, original; no lyrics
[5] with One Nation Under a Groove (Funkadelic)
[6] debut, 38 Special; incomplete
[7] with Hysteria (Def Leppard) tease
[8] debut, Brian, Colin and Vince; Brendan on acoustic, Jake on keys, with Adam Budney on vocals