Notable Jams

Show Date SongArtist Venue Name City StateNotes
2010-01-231348Umphrey's McGee Fillmore Auditorium Denver CO
2010-08-111348Umphrey's McGee NorVa, The Norfolk VA
2010-09-251348Umphrey's McGee Diamond Ballroom Oklahoma City OK
2011-03-121348Umphrey's McGee Fillmore, The San Francisco CA
2011-04-021348Umphrey's McGee Park West Chicago IL
2011-04-201348Umphrey's McGee Stubb's BBQ Austin TX
2011-05-271348Umphrey's McGee Three Sisters Park Chillicothe IL
2011-06-041348Umphrey's McGee Hunter Mountain Hunter NY
2011-09-031348Umphrey's McGee 9:30 Club Washington DC
2011-11-261348Umphrey's McGee Aragon Ballroom Chicago IL
2012-04-191348Umphrey's McGee Cain's Ballroom Tulsa OK
2013-07-061348Umphrey's McGee Wooly's Des Moines IA
2014-08-291348Umphrey's McGee Classic Center, The Athens GA
2015-01-181348Umphrey's McGee Paramount, The Huntington NY