Umphrey's McGee: October 31, 2008 – The Warfield, San Francisco, CA, USA

Set 1: Higgins > The Triple Wide/Robot Rock[1] > Ocean Billy > Rainy Day Women #12 & 35[2] > Ocean Billy[3], Women Wine and Song > Utopian Fir > Gulf Stream > Utopian Fir, TNT/Paranoid/Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap[4]

Set 2: Phil's 7 Nation Money Farm[5] > All In Time[6], Bridgeless > Miss Tinkle's Overture-> Thunderstruck[7] > Miss Tinkle's Overture[8], FF-> The Floor, Another Brick in the Wall/Thriller[9]-> Bridgeless

Encore: Hangover, Sad Clint Eastwood[10]

[1] debut; Umphrey's McGee + Daft Punk mash-up; with Jamie Shields on keys and Darren Shearer on percussion; with Binary Sunset / The Force Theme (Star Wars) (John Williams) teases
[2] debut, Bob Dylan
[3] with Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 (Bob Dylan) tease
[4] debut, AC/DC + Black Sabbath mash-up with Bon Scotty Osbourne (Whitfield Crane) on vocals
[5] debut, Umphrey's McGee + The White Stripes + Pink Floyd + Led Zeppelin mash-up
[6] with Paranoid (Black Sabbath) tease
[7] partial
[8] with Thunderstruck (AC/DC) tease
[9] debut, Pink Floyd + Michael Jackson mash-up
[10] debut; Sad But True (Metallica) + Clint Eastwood (Gorillaz) mash-up