Reviews attached to July 17, 2010

capt_cron October 17, 2012
First White river shows..kept me coming back the past 3 years. This place is amazing. And that --Girlfriend is better is dope as shit mm/mm/

Hugger April 1, 2013
^Yep! Gotta agree with the above reviewer about the Talking Heads cover. In fact, that whole first set was so spot on, I was caught off guard when they walked off for set break. Seemed like they had just started. Great show from front to back.

Watched the first set from the rail, but got caught by the short set break, and watched the 2nd set from the top of the hill.

YourPalJay July 17, 2014
There's a lot of love for Set 1. I like Words. Bird Bath was strong. Girlfriend was a monster closer. But Set 2 had a crazy intensity to it, especially the first half.

There were thunderstorms all around the venue and everyone would agree it wasn't a matter of *if* the show would be cut short for weather, it was *when*. So the band took a minimal (10 min?) setbreak and came out with the intention of playing as long as they could. What resulted was a Set 2 where each of the first 4 songs was played as if it was the show closer. Great peaks, huge solos, major intensity. All with Waful's lights playing hand-in-hand with the lightning backdrop.