Rondo Alla Turca has been played by Umphrey's McGee 4 time(s).
It was played at 0.14% of Umphrey's McGee shows.
It was last played 2004-08-27, which was 2031 show(s) ago.
There have been 2417 show(s) since the live debut.
Since its debut, "Rondo Alla Turca" has been played, on average, once every 605 show(s).
Date Played | Venue | Show Gap | Set | Song Before | Song After | Footnote |
2002-02-22 | Cat's Cradle, Carrboro, NC | 398 | 1 | Hey Nineteen > | > Dump City | |
2002-08-28 | Little Brother's, Columbus, OH | 93 | 1 | Muff II: The Revenge | Jam | |
2002-09-24 | The Union Bar, Iowa City, IA | 11 | 1 | Wappy Sprayberry > | > Nothing Too Fancy | |
2004-08-27 | The Canopy Club, Urbana, IL | 282 | 2 | Regulate | > Out Of Order |