City > Columbus, OH > Overview
- № shows27
- № songs 465
- № unique songs 196
- № unique originals 148
- № unique covers 46
- № venues 7
- № tours 1
- February 7
- June 4
- November 3
- April 2
- January 2
- May 2
- July 2
- September 2
- October 1
- March 1
- August 1
- Friday 13
- Saturday 4
- Wednesday 4
- Thursday 4
- Sunday 1
- Tuesday 1
- 2024-02-02, KEMBA Live!
- 2022-02-17, KEMBA Live!
- 2020-01-25, Express Live!
- 2018-02-01, Express Live!
- 2016-09-08, Express Live!
- 2014-01-31, Lifestyle Communities Pavilion
- 2013-02-15, Lifestyle Communities Pavilion
- 2012-02-17, Lifestyle Communities Pavilion
- 2011-06-26, Lifestyle Communities Pavilion
- 2011-02-04, Lifestyle Communities Pavilion
- 2010-07-13, Lifestyle Communities Pavilion
- 2010-03-05, The Newport Music Hall
- 2009-05-30, The Newport Music Hall
- 2008-07-17, Lifestyle Communities Pavilion
- 2007-11-30, Lifestyle Communities Pavilion
- 2007-04-20, The Newport Music Hall
- 2006-06-09, Lifestyle Communities Pavilion
- 2005-11-16, The Newport Music Hall
- 2005-04-13, The Newport Music Hall
- 2005-02-19, PromoWest Pavilion
- 2004-11-06, The Newport Music Hall
- 2004-06-04, The Newport Music Hall
- 2003-10-24, The Newport Music Hall
- 2003-05-16, The Newport Music Hall
- 2002-08-28, Little Brother's
- 2002-06-19, Little Brother's
- 2001-09-07, Marmelade Orangutang Shebang
Shows By Year
Unique Songs By Year