It goes without saying that this show is a must listen - Stanley Jordan cannot be human... just can't be.
I over heard one of the guys from the band say after the show that Stanley chose Liquid himself. They played a great version of the song with a great solo by Stanley then as the song ended UM stepped aside and let Stanley do his thing on his own. It was amazing, to watch the band members look at Stanley the way we look at them, in complete and utter AW... Making Flippy Floppy is epic, the jam is straight fire. I don't know if I've ever seen the guys having that much fun on stage.
Another note on Stanley Jordan - He is the most spiritual musician I've ever had the honor to meet. Most of the people at sUMmer school got to talk to him and all the conversations were truly inspiring. After the show we all broke out into open jams and Stanley showed up and jammed with us for many hours into the night. sUMmer school was by far the most amazing, beneficial, and inspirational musical event I've ever attended.