This was also my second show, after seeing them at Bonnaroo on 6/16. I loved them the first time because I had been listening to Anchor Drops on loop in my car for about a year before I got a chance to see them. But I would have to say that this was the first show where I 'got it,' in the sense that the music moved me in a way I'd never had a band do before. Might sound trite, but it's the truth.
I also have a fond place in my heart for this show, because it was the first show I ever saw at the Tabernacle. Wow. A bunch of Tabby memories later, I can honestly say that there is no place I would rather see an Umphrey's McGee concert than that venue. The energy was off the hook that night, as it always is in Atlanta, regardless of venue.
The musical moments that stood out to me were the Walletsworth>N2F. I could see those songs at every show from here on out and be happy as hell. In the Kitchen was great as well.
In the second set, it's hard for me to think about anything other than the Hendrix Jam on Power of Soul to kick it off. Talk about fire to start off a ridiculous second set, both in terms of the band being on top of their game and a kick ass set list. And the 2nd Self, Dirty Love > God Gave Rock encore was amazing.