All Things Umphrey's > TalonMcgee → Reviews

TalonMcgee December 28, 2012
Shortened set due to Furthur playing passed their allotted time, apparently Phil got lost during set break. x_x

Despite that, the boys skipped all filler and pumped out the jams

This is still my favorite Puppet and I was super surprised at how well they did Tom Sawyer

Encore kinda disappointed me with a cover and the horns in jajunk were quite lackluster but nevertheless it was a great show

TalonMcgee December 28, 2012
I was still not familiar with the whole catalog at this time and thought #5 was just a SICK jam in AIT, turned into one of my favorite songs after that.

13 days is always a treat and everyone was boogieing down to reelin in the years

As was stated, the ringo jam is prob the highlight of the show

I felt the AIT reprise should have closed the second set and it was a weird flow to end with thin air after a rocker

TalonMcgee December 28, 2012
There were technical difficulties for the first 20 seconds or so of booth love until the full sound system kicked in.

Highlights were the miles Davis cover and the divisions> I'm on fire > divisions

Pretty sure this was the second time I'm on fire was played and I was lucky enough to catch the first one in Cleveland.

No one seems to mention the ZZ Top jam in Made To Measure, Waitin on the Bus!
It fits so perfectly and I wish they'd do it again sometime

TalonMcgee December 19, 2012
Also my first show, the 42 minute All in Time > Wappy changed the way i looked at music forever. CW>CWII is quality dance party material. As was stated, the Shine On was magical, and the best one i've heard them do. A classic epic encore (that reso has everything in it!) My (bias) personal favorite show.