The energy was through the roof for this show! Started off right away with nipples>Wife Soup which was a treat and got the flow of the night going. This was a great show for rarities(for me anyways). Got my first Robots world which I think was the jam of the night, my second no comment, wife soup, WBG, Orfeo and uncommon all of them btw were welcomed by me. RtB had a nice jam solid jam in it and went into a reggae/funky PF cover. MO had the best jam for the first set that took a little bit to develop but took off than dropped right into Uncommon which was great! Eat was its standard self but 2x2 was a great way to finish the set and got everyone extremely pumped for the second set.
Robot world opener was insane. Have not listened back to it yet but was around 15 minutes long and contained a heavy dance party/industrial jam in it that was real legit. Highlight right there for me. Higgins is a good song that always contains excellent jams/guitar dueling and did not disappoint! DBK>NC>DBK is beautiful. Love DBK and the jams that it produces! No comment did let the energy subside some what but the last part of DBK always picks up the energy no matter what precedes it. Life During Exodus was an excellent mash up and loved how they were able to combine Marley/Talking Heads/Zappa into one fluid sick ass song. Some of my favorite bands/musicians mashed into one song, no complaints from me here! Ended the set with a standard AIT. Seemed rushed but I do love this song though it needs room to breathe and defiantly is not a good choice with only 10 minutes left in the set.
Encore was awesome. Took me seeing WBG live to really appreciate the song and I really enjoyed this version with Orfeo breaking up the heaviness that ensues during WBG.
Excellent show all around. They always throw down at JT so if you are within driving distance dont miss the next time they are in the area!