This may have been "The show" from sUMmer school. Each night was special in its own way, but this show was especially memorable. The Phils Farm and DBK sandwiches were definitely the highlights, but pretty much all the jams were extremely tight and the more elaborate rehearsed parts in songs like Go to Hell and Mantis were played perfectly.
A little background on the debut of Weird Fishes...
At summer school we had the amazing opportunity to have one on one sessions with members of the band. My good friend Kyle Michaud had a lesson with Jake the afternoon of this show. During the session Jake started messing around with some chords and Kyle noticed he was dancing around the chords of Weird Fishes, but was missing a few. Kyle pointed this out, played the song with the missing chords... and that night Jake busted it out during the show. This is a great way to exemplify the amazing experience that was sUMmer school. By the end of the weekend it was hard to look at UM on stage as the epic Godlike musicians that I normally see them as, because we all felt more like a bunch of friends hanging out and appreciating good music.
Also... it was that much more epic when I saw them play weird fishes at red rocks...