This was one of the weirder shows that I have been to. So the old Avalon (which is now the House of Blues) used to have a club night, like a lot of venues do. This show started at exactly 7PM, and at that time, there were probably 200 people still outside in line. It was one of only two shows, that I wasn't inside for the beginning of the show (the other being 9/8/11.) I was outside until the end of GYMRH, and I tried to get in with my fake ID. No luck and I got it swiped, so I wasn't in a good mood when I got in because that was my baby haha.
The Blue Echo will go down in history as one of the best jams the band has ever done, and I still stick by that to this day. It also had the debut of Words which I didn't realize hadn't been played to this point.
The Jajunk opener was fire and I got one of my many Rocker's of 06. Good Ol Boys and the piano piece were good rarities to cross off.
The show was over at 10 PM but it feature the 2 new songs that I had not heard, so it was nice to hear them.
Overall it was a weird show but they packed a punch in what was probably my shortest UM show ever.