After the almost broken toe incident of the prior night, I almost didn't make it to this show. I went back home and got my foot wrapped up, and then made the drive out with my friend Scott.
The venue was absolute beautiful and I hope the band makes it out here again. The place was empty, as in it holds probably 2,000 people and there were probably 200 people here.
Out of Order has a 3 minute jam coming out of it and Soul Food has one of the hardest peaking jams I have ever heard.
Set break was really cool as the entire band hung out with the crowd, including Joel and Andy tossing the frisbee around in the park. I met Myers for the first time and he said that the place had a "Stephen King vibe" which I thought was pretty funny.
This show featured the debut of the Rock Fuzz which was awesome, and had a sick transition into Tinkles. Walking on the Moon was a great cover for the venue and Mail Package stew was cool to see as an encore.
I really hope they come back to this place this summer, as they would definitely fill it up a lot more than they did that beautiful night in July.