First off, this was one hell of an umph experience. My friends and i traveled south from PA to see two shows back to back. This being the first out of the two. Starting off a concert to "Drink My Drank" is a great way to grab the crowd's attention. Then transitioning into "Tribute to the Spinal Shaft" which was up beat and funky as fuck. Joel had his time for a keys solo. Good for him! "Conduit" was next and ill always enjoy that badass tune. "Cemetery Walk" was dropped on the Olando crowd, which dropped my jaw. Never thought i would see it live and not only that but to have it swing right into "Slacker" which is a personal favorite. So at this point...Im flipping out. "Miss Tinkles Overture" was played next and thats just up lifting shredding and a solid jam that gets the crowd involved towards the end. A cover slides right into the setlist and it just happens to be Pink Floyd's "Comfortably Numb". Damn. The room's energy was magical. Everybody was in the spirit now. Then ending the set with "Cemetery Walk II", as expected. GREAT first set.
Starting off the second set with "Der Bluten Kat" > "Miami Virtue" > "Der Bluten Kat" was big. During the Inprov of DBK, Waful flips the lights back on the curtains and really bring out the art in his occupation. The dance moves were just pouring out. "In the Kitchen" was next in line. It was not long in duration, but thats fine. Just hearing the tune is good enough for me. Stasik took a nice bass solo after kitchen which was quite impressive. Then they slammed a solid 18 minute "2x2" which was fucking awesome. Great tune :). "1348" was the perfect way to end the set and it was spot on. Drunk singing and hard raging, just the way i like it.
Encore left me speechless. No one can ever deny and well played "Ringo" and well played it was. For the final stretch of the night, the band was getting real funky. Towards the middle of the song they bring back ringo and leave a Kris Myer's signature drum beat playing on where the crowd begins an up roaring WE WANT THE UMPHS chant. the band then reacts and slaps a "Soul Food II" jam and that was so much more than i could ever ask for. My favorite show so far. Give it a listen when you can. Thank you Umphrey's.