This could be one of the funnest nights of summercamp that I've ever experienced...and the fact that they released it on DVD is just sick!
The jam in 1348 is pure energy and really gets you moving...Once I heard Red Tape bust out I knew it was gonna be twenty minutes of heaven. It seems like every year UM takes a tune and just rages it 20 mins every time they play it but in different ways..(ocean billy, 1348, red tape, etc...)
Their is two distinct sides to the red tape, one being super trancie electronica and one being an uplifter...The pay the snucka with bulls on parade got everyone ragin.
My first senor mouse and I love this cover!!!!
Second set is classic....I absolutely love the miss tinkles higgins twister! In and out and in and out of both tunes...EPIC!
Rocker Pt 2 is of course a legendary builder and this was my first Day Nurse. I kept thinking by this point that this was one of the greatest nights ever!
Hourglass is a great mellow tune with solid lyrics and national anthem brought the heat big time.
Encore of triple wide in where joel's part is absolute fire...such great musicianship....
Summercamp is the shit...