Umphrey's McGee > Songs > Pooh Doggie > Every Time Played

Pooh Doggie has been played by Umphrey's McGee 16 times, across 15 show(s).
It was played at 0.53% of Umphrey's McGee shows.
It was last played 2019-02-21, which was 433 show(s) ago.
There have been 2444 show(s) since the live debut.
Since its debut, "Pooh Doggie" has been played, on average, once every 163 show(s).

Every Time Played by Umphrey's McGee

Date Played Venue Show Gap SetSong Before Song After Footnote
2002-02-06 Copper Dragon Brewing Company, Carbondale, IL3882Moogasauras Rex > -> Make Medebut, original; vocal jam over groove
2002-02-07 The Vogue Theatre, Indianapolis, IN11Intro > > Utopian Fir
2002-03-23 Shank Hall, Milwaukee, WI311Nothing Too Fancy > > Example 1
2002-04-02 Green Room, Iowa City, IA1eFront Porch > > Front Porch
2002-09-17 Durty Nellie's, Palatine, IL762Get Down > > Moby Dick
2003-01-28 People's, Ames, IA452August > > White Man's Moccasins
2003-04-25 The Vibe, Austin, TX461Syncopated Strangers > JaJunk
2003-11-15 The State Theatre, Falls Church, VA871Ringo > > Ringo
2004-05-27 Shank Hall, Milwaukee, WI782Ringo > KimbleRight Now (Van Halen) jammed with the Pooh Doggie theme; with Push the Pig tease
2004-10-28 WOW Hall, Eugene, OR612Mullet (Over) Mail Package
2005-04-06 The Temple Club, Lansing, MI542Push the Pig > > Push the Pig
2006-11-10 The Granada Theater, Dallas, TX2321Anchor Drops > > Professor Wormbog
2017-10-22 Brooklyn Bowl, Brooklyn, NY11801Deeper > ***
2017-10-22 Brooklyn Bowl, Brooklyn, NY02No Comment > The Song Remains the Same
2018-10-18 The Canopy Club, Urbana, IL901Similar Skin > > It Doesn't Matter
2019-02-21 Clyde Theatre, Fort Wayne, IN291Space Funk Booty -> > Phil's Farm

Show dates with this style indicate a Notable Jam. This song is marked "Notable Jam" 1 time(s).