I was pumped when I saw Umphrey's was playing a free show at the Super Bowl Village. My buddy and I left from Columbus and picked up one more friend in Dayton. When we got near the stadium in Indianapolis, the whole area of wild but somehow we managed to find a miracle open parking spot a block from the action. The village is basically a giant party formed by many independent parties:bars, stages, private tents, etc. I had this fantasy that Umphrey's was going to fall under people's radar at an event like this and I would get up close....I was pleasantly surprised to find a massive crowd backed up the street to see UM. The kids we ended up next to were from Indiana, but they had been in Columbus seeing the Werks at the same new years show as us just a month before.
Kris kicked it off wit the drum into Conduit, and they smoked this one as usual. In the Kitchen went into a great dance groove before giving birth to Glory, truly a glorious choice this night or any night. i remember looking around and seeing peoples faces with a look like "WHAT?! Is it legal to rock this hard?! and in public?" when jake was doing his thing. Out of push the pig also a miss tinkles that reached serious intensity during the peak...Baba O-Riley was well-recieved by the crowd. For one set, Umphrey's still satisfied me until the 17th and surely made a slew of new fans.