10th show 18th B-Day Show for Umph. Goonville was cool. I never know where the created openers lead but to have it drop into Plunger was awesome. I will give nothing away but, the Banter in this show between the band and the crowd is priceless. 40's was good as usual. "Pick up a couple a New York City 40s" In the Black was solid. Better than Athens I thought. Roulette was totally a highlight. Unexpected and always welcome; but to have that go into Kimble!! SO SICK. My buddy wants to dick punch me for that one. Attachments newer song, great song. 1st time I've heard it live. The Rocker Part 2 filled out the monster and as always a great way to end set. Irreplaceable.
All in Time- Having heard it broken up in Athens; to hear it start to finish was just what the doctor ordered. Crowd. Hyped. Knew something got teased wasn't sure what but to find out Kris pulled out the end... Very cool. Booth Love I heard this home in Toronto in 2011 when they played the MOD Club. This one was waaay better! Plus the you belong to the city tease and priceless banter from Jake. Wicked. I'm thinking push the tempo up and the next song they pull out is Bridgeless! Yes! Unfinished jammed into Remind Me. Nicely done boys! The tribute to spinal shaft was just rockin' best one yet. It had the Xxplosive tease and Jake played around a bit with the strumming but it wasn't Still Dre like a few dudes in front of me thought. Rather than educate I felt they would figure it out later. BOOSH back into Bridgeless, Ryan was killing it. End set.
Encore Space Oddity >Fame. I thought wicked Bowie tribute and the mashup was unexpected and awesome! So happy to have been apart of UM history.