If only there were words to describe this night. Easily the best setlist I have ever seen or heard live, Puppet String and Rocker 2 are some of the best jams I've heard possibly ever. Not to mention the 6 first set rarities.
I Want You (She's So Heavy) nearly caused the Ryman to crumble to do the energy in the room. The crowd was into it from note one. Not to mention the first ever and absolutely incredible Rocker, Rocker 2 combo.
Second set is near perfection, whether it's improv or standard songs the placement and execution of everything is seriously A+ stuff. All In Time encore featured the latest "Cigarette Cables" lyrical stew.
This was seriously one of the best shows I have ever seen, the room was insane and the energy was indescribable. Very thankful to have been in attendance.