This might have been some of the best UM I've seen to date. The place was packed. While I'm not a huge fan of this venue overall, the energy was good.
Eat and Got Your Milk made for a nice beginning to the show, and the Turn & Dub was excellent.
Second set was really what made this show, though. August was nice and the JJ>WW>JJ was top notch. The WW jam is a must listen.
This encore was perhaps the best UM encore I've seen. Nemo was a treat that I hope I see again soon, and the King Crimson sandwich was nice. Red was SUPER dark, and Waful absolutely crushed it with the lights. If you can find video, do it. I wish that the band had finished with the vocal harmony left hanging, though, rather than coming back in for the final chord. All in all a very solid show.