First off, if you're seeing Umph at HOB Boston in the future, get there plenty early. A February line next to Fenway isn't all that pleasant. We managed to get in during JaJunk, after waiting at least 30-40 minutes in line, and there was still a looooong line behind us.
I loved the Stew. I loved the Walking on the Moon, for the flashback to my younger days. I loved Puppet String. I really loved the Divisions (as the political nonsense was just starting to get fun, Waful did an excellent red v. blue lighting concept during the soulful last part of the song; "All my...divided" had the stage split with blue and red, up to the "until it fades," where the lights went all white--thanks, Waful!).
I loved the Domino. I always love me some Wappy, and to keep the dance vibe alive through Booth Love, followed by the always beautiful Haj. Delicious show.