Last night my love was playing mandolin for our 8 week old son. For the first time I could see his bright eyes following his Dad's hands across the frets. He was entirely captivated and it was amazing to witness his mind being blown open. That's how I am feeling as I listen to the 3-9-12 show in Denver, CO.
What an incredible show!!! Cheers to the kind fan who pieced together videos along with the soundboard, then posted it on youtube so that I can rock out in my living room with my little guy. He was listening intently but our dancing rocked him asleep in the first set. :)
Now.. where to begin.. ah yes, the primal beginning...
*Gurgle* is such a delicious and juicy way to begin an Umphrey's McGee show. I got to catch one @ the Filmore in Charlotte a month or so earlier than this show.. This song is very earthy and primal.. Like an orange harvest moon rising over the horizon.. there's no way to hide from its magnetizing pull.. to the front row. :)
...And we are tossed into a *40's theme*.. A lighthearted song that sparks comaraderie among the new & old fans alike..Once we enter the jam, it's obvious that the boys are on fire... i n c r e d i b l e ..
Naturally things get steamy as we are dipped into the *Ocean Billy*..mmm yes.. This song has been and will forever be a treasure in the hearts of UM fans across the planet, right? So smooth, majestic, and powerful..Reminded me of Halloween last year in Atlanta. I had driven down from the Mountains.. just in time.. well 5 minutes late..I was driving to the Tabby and felt like I was floating down the highway escorted by angels. I was supposed to be there. I had my I-pod on Shuffle and Ocean Billy came on probably at the same exact time as you guys were playing it. I made it upstairs and found my friend, the LOVELY Kevin Cassels during the second song! Lucky for me you went back into Billy later in the show. My very close friend who I would often sing and perform with had just taken his life days before. Very unexpectedly. Coming to this show was a spiritual journey for me. VERY healing, I sang my heart out, in honor of him. (The Let it Be/No Woman No Cry mash up was medicine to my spirit) THANK YOU...
I will never forget how I felt the first time I heard *Miami Virtue*..It was the album version. It grabbed me right away; my mind devoured the punchy verses. It's such a fun song to sing. The harmonies during the chorus are outstanding but when I first saw it performed live in Charlotte 2012, I was disappointed! I couldn't believe how weak the chorus felt/sounded live. This was good for me though, it reminded me that you guys are human...The 'perfection' I heard you create in the studio will come in time to your performance. Only a month after the Charlotte show and this *Miami Virtue* already sounds more unified..the jam you've been jumping right into is fresh and fast, carrying the energy into a new realm. I like how this particular realm is emotional and spiritual..
*Morning Song*. Perfect. There's an uneasy feeling that is ultimately resolved. Love and heartache go hand and hand with the human condition.. Everybody can relate to this song with such powerful emotions and memories, adding to the collective energy. Let's mourn together! How about, *In the Kitchen*?
Old School *Kitchen* but where are they going to take it? *GLORY*! Glory is so0000 delightful.. everything DOES happen for a reason. We learn and grow from our sorrows. Glory, Glory, Hallelujah. The boys bring us back into the Kitchen with a new confidence.. sweet dance party 'jam' at the end!
"Ryan Stasik & The Rat Tails!" haha.. You guys are hilarious. Set break! (I love how the person who posted the video of this show gives viewers a set break.. I had a chance to take my little Odin out of the sling and swaddle him up in his crib for the night.. sweet dreams, Mama will be melting her face in the living room if you need her!)
Set 2! Way to bring the heat back with Puppet String. Guys, this song is incredible. The harmonics sparkle and then we are entranced with Ryan's BEST base line, hands down. Then Brendan lays it down, WHAT DO WE REALLY KNOW? Oh tiny humans made of star dust, what is truth?