First of all, it's wonderful to see the venue listed as Capitol Theatre, Port Chester, NY. The refurbished theater is amazing. Did everybody notice the faces in the wallpaper?
The first set was solid, but not spectacular, although the closing Bright Lights really took off. The second set was intense from start to end. The notes say it was a tease, but Dump City contained a fully-articulated "It's About That Time." The 2x2 jam quickly gave way to Glory, and when it came back around to 2x2 we were treated to a soaring Bayliss solo. The segue from Walrus to N2F was fire, and at that point the light projections on the walls and ceiling took over. Somewhere in there was a second Bayliss solo and the surprise Willie the Pimp. I wasn't sure what to expect for an encore, but Divisions with the sweet Pequod tease fit the bill.
Waful was in his glory with with the house rig and his new MAC Viper instruments. Sunglasses are advised. The only thing that could make this experience better would be if AbovetheDave from PT would write a review.