My second show after a huge gap from not going since '06. I got deeper into UM after my friend gave me a huge stash of free '09 UM tracks. I then bought Mantis, I then bought Anchor Drops, I then was hooked for life and went to my second show...THIS show.
The most memorable part of this show involves a story.
Since me and my wife were UM newbs. We didn't understand there was a VIP section. We got to the show early and sat in the balcony. As the rows filled-up, a security person stood in the aisle next to where you come into our row.
The show starts and a waitress comes and asks if we want a drink. I'm thinking, "Wow, this is some service at a concert." We order drinks and get them. Midway through the first set, a guy in a Homer Simpson shirt comes to sit next to us. He asks if he can, and we say yes. He says cool and smokes us up. He then gives me something else...a nugget of something green. I say, "Oh, sorry man. I have anything on me to smoke that with." He says, "No that's for your ride home for letting me sit here." We are stunned and he leaves the seat after the song is over.
At the beginning of set two, someone in front of us gets kicked out. I notice it's because they don't have a ticket or something. I ask the people near us what happened and they say that the people didn't have VIP passes. I turn white and realize that me and my wife ALSO don't have these passes. We did it on accident since we got there before security showed-up. We laid-low for the rest of the show and had a blast. But now it all made sense, the waitress, meeting Joel's parents, people with bottles of champagne, the guy giving us a free nug to just stand there. WE WERE ACCIDENTALLY IN THE VIP SECTION THE WHOLE SHOW!
3.5-4 of five. The opener was great. I love when the opening of a show kills. It really sets-up the show to be a great one throughout. The debut of Deeper -> N2F started that track off in a memorable way. The Bright Lights sax jam was very underrated. The National Anthem debut was out of the park. As well as the James Brown tracks. Nice job, Kris!
The other cover choices really slowed the pace of the show. If you take them away, you're left with a great UM show. Which just shows that sometimes UM doesn't need their covers to make a complete show.