Reviews attached to October 26, 2012

umphalex October 29, 2012
This night rivals night 2 at the Riverside in my opinion....both were phenomenal but this night is silly good. Intentions clear gets really funky and jammy and then I went absolutely bolistic when I got white pickle into den...anyone who went to UMbowl 3 should have a deep appreciation for how insanely great these two tunes really are! I called the Padgett's profile before the show and was going nuts when they ended set 1 with it. UM was really going for it in the new venue and the sound was AWESOME downstairs! Set 2 continues with a bunch of stuff we havent gotten in a while....Mail Package, resolution wiht great jam from previous halloween, and morning song was beautiful! Kris Myers was in rock star mode for Mother where he sang and ran all over the stage....awesome start to the weekend!

RobotWorldOrGTFO October 29, 2012
Finally got an Intentions Clear, Morning Song, a Padgett's, the list goes on and on. This was the pop up set of all pop up sets. White Pickle and Den are fourth quarter UM Bowl jams so its neat to see those out on tour after witnessing them once before. Throw a second Mail Package and a Slacker on top of that as well? Shit. Bridgeless>Cherub Rock was insane, and Kris tearing it up with Mother? Dopest of dope. At first we thought this night was going to be the warm up for Saturday but holy god were we wrong. Excellent Halloween run.