City > Bloomington, IN > Overview
- № shows51
- № songs 971
- № unique songs 244
- № unique originals 125
- № unique covers 116
- № venues 8
- № tours 1
- October 8
- February 7
- November 6
- August 5
- June 5
- July 4
- December 4
- September 4
- March 4
- April 3
- January 1
- Friday 12
- Saturday 10
- Thursday 10
- Wednesday 7
- Tuesday 5
- Monday 4
- Sunday 3
- 2024-02-07, The Bluebird Nightclub
- 2013-02-10, The Bluebird Nightclub
- 2011-10-20, The Bluebird Nightclub
- 2010-10-24, The Bluebird Nightclub
- 2009-10-01, Indiana University Auditorium, Indiana University
- 2008-03-04, The Bluebird Nightclub
- 2007-11-09, Indiana University Auditorium, Indiana University
- 2005-11-04, Indiana University Auditorium, Indiana University
- 2004-10-07, The Buskirk-Chumley Theater
- 2004-03-10, The Buskirk-Chumley Theater
- 2003-12-05, The Bluebird Nightclub
- 2003-12-04, The Bluebird Nightclub
- 2003-09-04, The Buskirk-Chumley Theater
- 2003-09-03, The Buskirk-Chumley Theater
- 2003-06-21, Taste of Bloomington
- 2003-06-21, The Bluebird Nightclub
- 2003-06-20, The Bluebird Nightclub
- 2003-01-23, The Buskirk-Chumley Theater
- 2002-11-20, Axis
- 2002-11-14, The Bluebird Nightclub
- 2002-09-21, The Buskirk-Chumley Theater
- 2002-08-16, The Bluebird Nightclub
- 2002-07-24, Axis
- 2002-04-29, The Bluebird Nightclub
- 2002-03-21, The Bluebird Nightclub
- 2002-02-13, Axis
- 2002-02-08, The Buskirk-Chumley Theater
- 2001-12-14, The Bluebird Nightclub
- 2001-11-17, The Bluebird Nightclub
- 2001-10-06, The Bluebird Nightclub
- 2001-08-28, Jammin' on Walnut, The Bluebird
- 2001-08-27, The Bluebird Nightclub
- 2001-07-17, The Bluebird Nightclub
- 2001-06-09, The Bluebird Nightclub
- 2001-04-20, Axis
- 2001-03-21, Axis
- 2001-02-27, The Bluebird Nightclub
- 2001-02-02, The Bluebird Nightclub
- 2000-12-14, The Bluebird Nightclub
- 2000-11-18, The Bluebird Nightclub
- 2000-10-17, Axis
- 2000-09-29, The Bluebird Nightclub
- 2000-08-26, The Bluebird Nightclub
- 2000-08-26, Hoosier Fest
- 2000-07-27, The Bluebird Nightclub
- 2000-06-09, The Bluebird Nightclub
- 2000-04-01, The Bluebird Nightclub
- 2000-02-25, The Bluebird Nightclub
- 1999-10-18, The Bluebird Nightclub
- 1999-07-19, The Bluebird Nightclub
- 1998-10-25, Dunn Meadow
Shows By Year
Unique Songs By Year