Auf Wiedersehen great opener especially for the transition into Hurt Bird Bath; which was high intensity and a great start. The 2nd self was solid. My favourite version so far. Speak Up- new song great song! Won't be surprised if they bust that out more often. 1348>Ocean Billy was absolutely nuts! I was amazed. The Billy was only enhanced when Andy and Kris took it into Drums then back into Billy!!! AAAAAH! 2nd time live best version I've heard. The boys knocked this show out of the park. They broke out Gents and BOOSH back into 1348 End set.
Set 2- What the hell are they gonna blow my mind with now? Usually comes to mind
Bad Friday- great song, nice groove, a good call. The Floor always solid. Gotta love Ryan for what came next: Wappy Sprayberry... Yes! then into a JaJunk!!! 1st time I remember seeing this one live so great to be a part of. The crowd was fully into the show by this point. It was attention grabbing. The Similar Skin was a great follow up! The In The Kitchen was amazeballs! The Rhiannon jam back into In The Kitchen!!! So epic! Great call guys! The Hajii was my 1st Blown Speaker Hajii so that was unforgettable. Encore Tom Sawyer only RUSH does it better but I mean Come On! It was so fuckin' SICK!!
My favourite Facebook Message after the show: Fuck you! U fucking fuck!