All Things Umphrey's > cMags → Reviews

cMags September 22, 2013
After the two night Burlington run, I had three days to go back to school and relax. This was my second Toad's Place show in 2006 and I did the exact same thing as before. Took the Bonanza bus down to my buddy's dorm in New London, and drank pre-show.

This show starts off with a 20 min unfinished N2F, which is basically unheard of nowadays. After the composed part, the jam morphs into a percussion laced jam. Lot of Kris and Andy going on. It ends up going into kind of a spacey-untz jam, but nothing special. Even though this version is long, it's not mind blowing.

There is a nice -> into a standard Walletsworth. Get in the Van is next with some nice banter after the intro. This Van actually features about 2 minutes of improv in the middle. Didn't even realize this until listening to it again.

Resolution featured two decent jams with a great drop into the Rock Fuzz.

The Visions > N2F reprise is 25 minutes of spacy sonic bliss. If you want to listen to this show, listen to that segment.

cMags February 27, 2013
Coming off an incredible show from the night before, everyone in our hotel room slept in pretty late. We all walked around Burlington during the late morning/early afternoon, then made our way back to the hotel for the pre-game.

The show started off with an extended Plunger jam into MITA, which I had heard at the Hampton show 2 months earlier. 2x2 was standard, then during the Utopian jam, Brendan and Jake switched to their acoustic guitars. This was my first experience with acoustic UM and it was definitely a fitting time to do it as well. Nothing else worth notating, but the last 3 songs of the first set were really fun and different than the UM that I was used to.

Pay the Snucka 2nd set opener was nice, but No More Tears was definitely out of nowhere and I still listen to that version to this day. In the silent breakdown part, they sing a verse of Total Eclipse of the Heart in homage to Old School which was released about 3 years prior. The big jam of the set was The Triple Wide. During the jam, they busted into a lyrical stew and I remember Grover standing next to me screaming out something like "Skyline Stew, Skyline Stew!" I just laughed as he was like a kid in a candy store. I guess this was the jam that turned into Spires? IIRC. Anyways the rest of the set (Words, ITK) were standard. However, Rosanna was a really cool cover choice to finish it off, and after the finishing chorus they went into a jam. No other than Mrs Robinson's Strut. This is one of my favorite repeated stews and it was great to get it after my real first big run with Umph.

Overall it was a great weekend and I will never forget it.

cMags November 29, 2012
This was the first time I "really" traveled for an UM show. All of my previous shows were less than a 90 drive away. For this one, me and 3 kids from Providence (who were Noodles' roommates) drove from PC to Burlington. My plan was to catch 9/29 and 9/30, then go back to school. Then hit up the bus to New Haven and stay with my buddy at Conn College and do 10/4. Go back to school, then catch the bus again and stay with my buddy at WPI and do 10/6. Luckily everything fell into place and worked.

What can I say about this show that hasn't already been said. This is definitely one of my top 5 seen shows out of 69, and maybe even number 1. (It's so hard to pick a favorite.)

It was something about the monster jams, and it was really one of the first shows, where there were a ton of members from the OG bort all chilling together. I remember we had a hotel room at the Holiday Inn and there were probably 15 or 20 of us from the bort.

This show is all about the Dump City, Tribute, TINKLES, PIG, Porch, and Senor Mouse. All of these songs are top 10 versions of all time, and I would know considering I've listened to countless shows.

After the show I remember we all went back to one hotel room, and we looked at each other being like "Holy Fuck was that show good." I was in the room with people like Noodles, DanRad, Grover, and pick, guys who had seen tons of shows up to that point. And we all agreed that it was one of the greatest shows we had seen from UM.

cMags November 4, 2012
After the almost broken toe incident of the prior night, I almost didn't make it to this show. I went back home and got my foot wrapped up, and then made the drive out with my friend Scott.

The venue was absolute beautiful and I hope the band makes it out here again. The place was empty, as in it holds probably 2,000 people and there were probably 200 people here.

Out of Order has a 3 minute jam coming out of it and Soul Food has one of the hardest peaking jams I have ever heard.

Set break was really cool as the entire band hung out with the crowd, including Joel and Andy tossing the frisbee around in the park. I met Myers for the first time and he said that the place had a "Stephen King vibe" which I thought was pretty funny.

This show featured the debut of the Rock Fuzz which was awesome, and had a sick transition into Tinkles. Walking on the Moon was a great cover for the venue and Mail Package stew was cool to see as an encore.

I really hope they come back to this place this summer, as they would definitely fill it up a lot more than they did that beautiful night in July.

cMags November 4, 2012
This would be 2nd of many shows at Hampton Beach Casino Ballroom. I've seen moe here a bunch of times too, and although a lot of people hate it, I just have a thing for this place. I always chill on the beach all afternoon and then hang out at the parking lot next to the police station and party with all of the other concert goers.

I, like an idiot, was wearing birkenstock sandels to this show and nailed my big toe against the curb walking in. I was convinced I broke my toe and was pissed off, but it turned out it was just severely bruised.

The Utopian through the rest of the set it some of the best UM I have ever heard. The Liquid jam is one of my most listened to segments ever and if you haven't heard it, you need to now.

This was also the first times I actually kept a notebook setlist for a show, and was pretty fun doing it at the time.

The second set is nothing to really write home about, except for the WWS, and my first AIT. But the first set is one of the best first set's you will here.

Definitely check out the Liquid because you will love it forever.

cMags November 4, 2012
This was one of the weirder shows that I have been to. So the old Avalon (which is now the House of Blues) used to have a club night, like a lot of venues do. This show started at exactly 7PM, and at that time, there were probably 200 people still outside in line. It was one of only two shows, that I wasn't inside for the beginning of the show (the other being 9/8/11.) I was outside until the end of GYMRH, and I tried to get in with my fake ID. No luck and I got it swiped, so I wasn't in a good mood when I got in because that was my baby haha.

The Blue Echo will go down in history as one of the best jams the band has ever done, and I still stick by that to this day. It also had the debut of Words which I didn't realize hadn't been played to this point.

The Jajunk opener was fire and I got one of my many Rocker's of 06. Good Ol Boys and the piano piece were good rarities to cross off.

The show was over at 10 PM but it feature the 2 new songs that I had not heard, so it was nice to hear them.

Overall it was a weird show but they packed a punch in what was probably my shortest UM show ever.

cMags November 4, 2012
This was the first show where I really got IT. It was a random rainy night in Providence and I remember taking the RIPTA down to Lupo's while everybody else was taking it to the Dunkin Donuts Center to watch our shitty basketball team get crushed by another Big East opponent. I went to this show by myself and did not know anyone else there, it was just me and the band. The Visions > Phil's Farm was what sealed it for me. I hadn't felt that type of intensity from a band before. I wasn't around in the mid-90's to get all the incredible Phish shows. This was our generation's jam band. The second set was all a blur for me at this point, but that end of the first set was the reason I am still seeing them today.

cMags November 4, 2012
This show was probably the drunkest I have ever been, and the loosest I have ever seen the band (rivaled by only the acoustic 4/5/09 show at Toad's 3 years later.) I took the Peter Pan bus down from Providence for this, and me and my buddies at Conn College got absolutely blasted for this show.

The jam in the Last Man Swerving is definitely worth checking out as the rest of the set isn't very noteworthy.

At set break, my friend got kicked out of the venue 3 separate times, but got let in again each time. He ran into Jen Hartswick at some point and went up to her and said "Will you sign my ticket stub saying 'I played with Trey?'" She looked at him and just gave him a flat out "No."

The 2nd set an encore are noteworthy for the amount of between song banter that was going on. The show was on Valentine's Day, and considering that UM show's are about 85% men, the band was kind of poking fun that almost everyone there didn't have dates. The jam before Tinkle's had Myer's on Guitar and Brendan on Drums and was in the feel of Brendan is gay and what not. You could tell the band was just going all out cause they knew the crowd was rowdy and loose.

On tape it's not one of my favorite shows, but the experience as a hammered 20 year old single college student was one to be remembered for a lifetime.

cMags November 4, 2012
This was my first "real show" after my first being the Big Summer Classic at Mansfield. I was a Sophomore at Providence College and was very excited to see Umphrey's play at our college town Lupo's venue.

The first 2 songs that they played, ended up being on my "boring list" for about 3 years, and now they have turned into UM's biggest jam vehicles. From what I remember, this Ocean Billy was pretty solid, and the Water was standard at best.

WMM and Nemo were two songs that I had heard and like before, so those were good to hear.

The ending segment of this first set is what you want to listen to if you pick up this show. At the time I didn't realize how rare SFB and Sweetness were, but there is an awesome jam out of these songs, that you should definitely hear.

The Jessica closer was awesome, as it was another cover that everybody knew and got the crowd rocking going into setbreak.

Roulette was a weird 2nd set opener, but The Triple Wide followed and this was a turning point for me in my UM career, because up to this point, I had never heard them do a "Dance Party" jam. And this was a great one that included the disco ball at the top of the venue.

Divisions followed which I had seen in Mansfield, so that was great to hear again. The 2nd half of this set and the encore are all standard straight forward tunes, but it was a great show to have as a first "real show."

cMags November 4, 2012
This was my first of (as of now) 69 shows. I first found out about UM after they did the "Molester Medley" for Halloween 2004. Phish had just broken up and I needed a new band to fill the void. I listened to the song Anchor Drops, and absolutely loved it, so I got the album for Christmas that year. This show was the first one in the NE region for that year, and it's kind of crazy to think that now, as they have played here in the winter ever since.

As soon as this show was announced, me and my buddy Rob grabbed tickets. Umphrey's, String Cheese, and Keller Williams was definitely a nice draw for us. We also wanted to see this band New Monsoon, but their set time was like 1 PM, so we said screw it.

Mulche's Odyssey featured a pause during the peaking jam to let the crowd know that KB was getting married. And they had an impromptu acapella "Kevin's Getting Married" tune. Divisions was an amazing song to see as my first "big" UM song. There wasn't any improv, just a straight stand-alone Divisions. Push The Pig had Franti come out and do some raps and stuff. Kinda cool for the 19 year old that I was at the time, but whatever. Wife Soup was a song I knew and was pumped to hear. Next was the only time I got a "I've Got A Feeling." 69 shows and still not another one haha. But I just remember being pumped to hear Bayliss nail the vocals for one of my favorite bands of all time. Finally came JaJunk which was another song I knew and was happy to hear.

All in all, it was a great introduction to a band that I would be following around for the next 7 years of my life.